Welcome to Bikeweb
Submitted by jbond on 27-May-05 9:53amBikeweb is all about Feet First Powered Two Wheelers - FFs for short - of one sort or another; from Quasars and Phasars to modified superscooters and even FF racing mopeds. From Kaneda’s animé fantasy bike in Akira, to real world, Reliant-engined Voyagers. There's all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff here, past, present and futuristic; one-offs, prototypes and things that actually made it into series production. And they come from all over the world: Swiss Ecomobiles and MonoTracers, American Alligators and Neracars, French Monotraces, German NSUs, Czech Dalniks, British Avros, Wilkinsons and Whitwoods and Japanese custom scooters. From fully enclosed and all-electric with outriggers, to roofed but open-sided, through aerodynamic but open-topped, to bodywork-free and stark naked. You name it; if it's FF, or related in some way, you'll probably find it here somewhere – or at least a link to where you can find it.
There's more information about how this website works and a potted history of FFs below if you click on 'Read More', but for a technical description read Royce Creasey's Introduction to FF two-wheelers entitled 'Read This First'. (It's the first item in the left hand column below 'Book navigation'). If you're looking for a particular machine or marque, the quickest way to find it is probably to do a search for it in the very top right hand corner of this home page; type the name or names into the white box next to 'Search this site:' and then click on 'search' just below the box.
Perspex canopy enclosure
Submitted by David Arthur on 13-Apr-24 7:12amAS header i have now made several full size canopies for my own FF and reverse trike, and now have a couple of spare these are approx 1600 x 600 wide and produced from 6mm sheet, and are available at £1275 each.
Honda CBR 1000 bits
Submitted by David Arthur on 07-Apr-24 5:28pmAs header i won't be putting the bike back together again, so ive a few bit's i wont be needing, i also have a fuel tank, but will hang on to that for the moment, but very likely it will be available as well, and ive still got all the Pan bodywork bits as well, all available for free, just take away. Dave
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Looking for a better home
Submitted by Bob.Walton on 13-Mar-24 4:09pmhttps://www.facebook.com/wobblywonders/
I haven't looked at my modified GPZ for years now. Not sure what to do with it. So I thought I would see if anyone here was interested. I live in Oxford if you want to pick it up.
3rd run
Submitted by David Arthur on 10-Mar-24 7:01pmSlow progress but i feel a step in the right direction,( note in vid link below, my o/side landing gear wheel comes up on the bend ) which means i am now making a semi controlled bank on the bend, which enables me to turn faster and safer.
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Norton commando FF frames for sale
Submitted by Keith.Shoemark on 01-Mar-24 11:01amI have two FF frames for sale.
They fit OVER a standard Norton commando drive train and pick up on the 3 isolastic mounts.
There is no structure below the timing cover or primary chaincase.
One is a box section oil in frame design the other is tubular high tensile steel tubing.
They both use a double wishbone front suspension.
I seem to be unable to download any pictures.
Talking Heads
Submitted by David Arthur on 26-Feb-24 5:58pmAs per the title, sadly this is my second video, i set my phone camera remotely up on a stool pointing at the 20ft wide gates for my 1st outing, warts and all, and off i went, but the drive was so bad i actually missed the gates.
Mallory - 2024 - erewegoagain
Submitted by Graham Robb on 17-Dec-23 2:32pmMay be masochistic, but I am applying again for a Club Stand at the Mallory Bike Bonanza (previously VMCC Festival of 1000 bikes): 5th, 6th and 7th of July 2024.
I see that they are planning EMRA organised racing as well, on both days. that may mean they get to fill the paddock better than 2023. I think we are due some better weather too (as I may not have the motorhome then)
Please email me for access to some of the 10 'free' tickets/bike places (preference given to FFs !)
Workshop clearance in Bristol, England
Submitted by Royce on 09-Dec-23 11:55amI've been tasked to clear the engineering workshop of a family friend, now sadly incapacitated.
Advanced hobby level, ex-Aerospace engineer. Includes Boxford lathe and substantial associated equpment. See also January advert in VMCC magazine*
Too much to list here, mail roycecreasey@gmail.com for photo catalogue. Cash sales, buyers collect. Delivery available separately.
*As almost all FFs worthy of the name are now more than 25 years old it makes sense to be a VMCC member. Mainly because it annoys the traditionalists.
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Clear out
Submitted by David Arthur on 14-Oct-23 9:08amI advertised my mates Pan European on here recently to no avail, so i have now cannibalized it for bits, as it would seem a shaft drive at a later date would be a good option, plus a higher tyre load rating which is vital for my type of project, also the front end has anti dive, and slightly bigger discs. The motor is now sat here, and is available for just £100 with 2 full looms, and ECU's, their is also a lot of plastic on a Pan, and its available for free, just take the lot. I also have Robs/Royce's back end off his FF and it came with the Volvo seat and frame, and i would hope somebody ?
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Honda Eco
Submitted by David Arthur on 18-Sep-23 1:45pmAfter Robs offer of Bob’s ex Kwack FF and finishing the first part of his Triumph project, and it out the door, I was keen to make a start on the Kawasaki, I had hoped to initially keep the tank, and air box, but even after removing both, and keeping the extended swing arm in place, I still don’t fit in the gap, by extending the frame pivot point, a further 8” South and then fitting the standard swingarm back, I would fit, but realistically, the bike should then need to go through SVA, and all it’s attendant extra time and hoops.
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Kawasaki FF
Submitted by David Arthur on 20-Aug-23 8:33pmHi I don’t know if acquiring the Kwack is a serendipitous event, or just another detour and delay, but as picture shows, I don’t exactly fit Rob’s / Bobs Kawasaki FF, as it is, and despite their assurances, and the many adjustments available on the bike, plus my own enthusiasm with the hacksaw, it will as it is, still be another compromise and lash up for me.
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FF update
Submitted by David Arthur on 16-Aug-23 3:41pmNot exactly an FF gathering, but as picture shows, ive just acquired Robs Bananaskins FF next to the soon to be completed Rocket 3 of Robs, and leaning on the side of my reverse trike in the distance, is Royce's chassis and complete front end he built for Rob, for his Norton rotary, and which i soon hope to have the front end surgically removed, and grafted onto the back end of my own electric FF.
Pan European
Submitted by David Arthur on 04-Jul-23 7:58pmIve just been offered the above by a friend who is moving workshops, not got much info yet but will update, may be of use to somebody out there.
Spanish Steps 3
Submitted by Graham Robb on 18-Jun-23 10:38amAnother touring blog for your perusal, even if not FF (actually 3 Tigers and an elderly Varadero)
Rob/Royce Norton rotary FF
Submitted by David Arthur on 18-Jan-23 6:49pmHappy New Year everybody, well it is for me. After an epic drive from Rob, from the South of France, i met up with him and Royce on Bristol services, as he handed over his now abandoned and dismembered front end off his FF project, whilst the back stayed firmly in the van, to be delivered elsewhere. I now have a head start, and no excuses, and the best front end available, and Royce's support, so it's now just a simple matter of sticking a back end on, ( electric of course ) and i am on my way.
Date for diary - Not FOTB
Submitted by Graham Robb on 13-Dec-22 10:11amThe summer weekend gathering at Mallory in 2023 is scheduled for 14,15,16th July.
This is not named as the VMCC Festival of 1000 Bikes; instead it is the Mallory Bike Bonanza, which does not quite have the same ring to it.
Track time form is here:
Format is identical to previous FOTBs - although I hope organisation is better - and I have applied for a BFF stand in the club section.
Please delete....
Submitted by rohorn on 23-Oct-22 5:41pmThere are better things to do and better places to spend my time......
Reflections on an FF project September 2022
Submitted by Royce on 16-Sep-22 12:22pmReaching the unlikely age of 78 I recall that 1978 is the year I engaged in FF development - an attempt to rescue the Powered Two Wheeler from the dying hand of the motorised bicycle and exploit it's unbeatable efficiency in a world where that quality had suddenly become relevant.
Canopy success
Submitted by David Arthur on 25-Aug-22 10:28amHi Just a few pics to show my eventual success, or at least I am now on solid ground, and though no expert, I can now hopefully reproduce further examples without to much trauma, as required. I would also like to apologize in advance, to Dave Lochead regards the 3 wheel reverse, trike photo, but I am seriously hoping to go into production, and despite my earlier offer on this site, to produce an FF vehicle at virtual cost, had no takers.